passive voice
Passive voice ( kalimat pasif ) adalah salah satu kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Bentuk passive voice ini terdapat juga dalam bahasa Indonesia, misalnya kata makan, minum, dan menolong menjadi dimakan, diminum, dan ditolong.
Cara membentuk kalimat pasif adalah sebagai berikut :
1. mengubah objek dalam bentuk aktif menjadi subjek dalam bentuk pasif.
2. letakkan “by” sesudah kata kerja utama dalam kalimat pasif sebelum subjek. Namun, dalam keadaan tertentu preposition “by” tidak diikut sertakan karena teks telah dipahami.
3. kata kerja yang dipakai adalah verb ketiga yang didahului to be.
4. susunan kalimatnya disesuaikan dengan tenses.
5. Adapun pola dasar yang dipakai dalam kalimat pasif adalah :
To Be + Verb ke-3 (past participle) |
Contoh :
© Active : Rendy helps me. (Rendy menolong saya)
© Passive : I am helped by Rendy. (saya ditolong Rendy)
Rumus dan contoh dalam kalimat :
1. Present Passive Voice
Present | Active | Passive |
Simple Present Tense | S + V1 + O I speak English every day | S + is / am / are + V3 English is spoken by me every day |
Present Continuous tense | S + is/ am /are + V ing + O Lehong is sending a letter | S + is/am /are + being +V3 A letter is being sent by me |
Present Perfect Tense | S + have/has + V3 + O Rhecha has eaten some apples | S + have/has + been + V3 Some apples have been eaten by Rhecha |
Perfect Continuous Tense | S + have/has + been + V ing Uul has been learning English | S+ have/has+been +being +V3 English has been being learnt by Uul |
2. Past Passive Voice
Past | Active | Passive |
Simple Past Tense | S + V2 + O Mrs. Rhency read the book | S + was/were + V3 The book was read by Mrs. Rhency |
Past Continuous Tense | S + was/were + V ing Mr. Rhe was writing a letter | S + was/were + being + V3 A letter was being written by Mr. Rhe |
Past Perfect Tense | S + have/has + V3 Echa had read the letter | S + had + been + V3 The letter had been read by Echa |
Perfect Continuous | S + had + been + V ing Lehur had been sending the package | S + had + been + being + V3 The package had been being sent by Lehur |
3. Future Passive Voice
Future | Active | Passive |
Simple Future Tense | S + will + V1 + O I will eat the cake | S + will + be + V3 The cake will be eaten by me |
Future Continuous Tense | S + will + be + V ing Robiatul will be doing the test | S + will + be + being + V3 The test will be being done by Robiatul |
Future Perfect Tense | S + will + have + V3 Waokley will have bought the shoes | S + will + have + been + V3 The shoes will have been bought by Waokley |
Perfect Continuous | S + will + have + been + V ing We will have been studying Biology | S + will + have + been + being + V3 Biology will have been being learnt by us |
Simple Present Tense
© The formula passive :
S + V1 (es/s) + K |
© The formula negative :
S + does/do (not) + V1 + O + K |
© The formula introgative :
Does/do + S + V1 + O + K |
© adverbal time / keterangan : usually, every………… , often , etc.
© menunjukan realita sekarang, menunjukan kebiasaan aktivitas sehari-hari , membenarkan yang akan datang.
© digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang diulang-ulang atau kebiasaan sehari-hari (habitual action)
© digunakan untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth)
© digunakan untuk kondisi non action. (love, wish, hope, fear,like)
© digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat perintah/permintaan.
© digunakan untuk mengekspresikan waktu yang akan datang dengan menggunakan kata keterangan waktu.
Contoh :
1. (+) The sun rises in the east
(-) The sun does not rise in the east
(?) Does the sun rise in the east ?
2. (+) Rhecha plays basket ball in the yard.
(-) Rhecha does not play basket ball in the yard
(?) Does Rhecha play basket ball in the yard ?
3. (+) I usually eat breakfast every morning
(-) I don’t usually eat breakfast every morning
(?) Do you usually eat breakfast every morning ?
4. (+) The moslem habitually go to the mosque every Friday
(-) The moslem don’t habitually go to the mosque every Friday
(?) Do the moslem habitually go to the mosque every Friday ?
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